Closest competitors & superiorities of Saymatik Web3 Wallet

SciMatic Hybrid Blockchain
2 min readJan 26, 2024


Closest Competitors:

  1. MetaMask: As a widely-used browser extension wallet, MetaMask provides users with access to Ethereum-based decentralized applications (DApps) and digital assets.
  2. Trust Wallet: Trust Wallet, acquired by Binance, is a mobile wallet supporting multiple blockchains, offering a user-friendly interface for managing cryptocurrencies.

Distinguishing Factors: Saymatik Web3.0 Wallet differentiates itself through several key features:

  • Multichain Support: Saymatik supports various blockchains, including Scimatic, Ethereum, Binance Smart Chain, Avalanche, and Polygon, providing users with versatile options.
  • Token Creation Without Coding: Saymatik allows users to create ERC20 and ERC721 tokens without coding skills, simplifying the tokenization process.
  • Blockchain-Based Event Management: The wallet introduces innovative smart contract-based event management, enabling users to create and manage events with attendance certificates.
  • Real Estate Tokenization: Saymatik has tested and implemented real estate tokenization, expanding its use cases beyond traditional cryptocurrency management.
  • Hybrid Document Storage: With a Web5.0-based hybrid document storage system, Saymatik combines the advantages of both Web2.0 and Web3.0 for secure document storage.
  • Economic Sustainability: The project aims to sustain itself financially through transaction fees, ensuring the long-term viability of the platform.

Saymatik’s comprehensive features, diverse blockchain support, and innovative solutions set it apart, providing users with a holistic and forward-looking digital wallet experience.

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SciMatic Hybrid Blockchain

SciMatic is developing web2, web3 and web5 (hybrid of centralized and decentralized) based web and mobile apps.