Earn from Arbitrage of SCI+ coins
SCI+ is the BEP20 token of SciMatic Hybrid Blockchain on binance smart chain. The price of SCI+ at p2pb2b exchange is 0.00028$.
So, buy at this price at p2pb2b exchange and transfer to your Saymatik web3 Wallet.
In Saymatik wallet networks, select Binance, then SCI+. There you will see P2P (peer to peer buy sell). Click it. Then in the buy orders check if somebody is buying at higher prices, sell it there. Otherwise create a sell order at higher price. When somebody buys, you gets your USDT in your Saymatik Web Wallet. That you can transfer to any exchange or keep transactions in there.
The owner of the Saymatik Web3 Wallet buys most of the tokens at higher price to attract users to Saymatik Web3 Wallet. So follow https://twitter.com/saymatik for the updates.
Sometimes the SCI+ coin is also sold at scimatic.net at owe prices, follow that as well.