SCI Coin: Cryptocurrency of Scientific data

SciMatic Hybrid Blockchain
3 min readJun 3, 2022


SciMatic Hybrid Blockchain has successfully completed phase I. Presale of SCI coin has finished and at least three DAPPS are ready to launch. SCI is not a do or die coin. Most of the coins and cryptocurrencies present in the market are investors based those are having peaks and valleys.

SCI Coin

SCI coin is different and unique. It is based on user-investor philosophy. Users automatically become investors when they buy SCI coin to be used in the SciMatic Dapps.

Gereksiz Gazete

Gereksiz Gazete — Firstevern blockchain based newspaper
Gereksiz Gazete Logo

Gereksiz is the firstever blockchain based newspaper released in Turkish. English version will be released very soon. It has various unique features. There are “like”, “dislike” and “delete” buttons on each news. The fee for publishing a news or any post is 20 SCI coin. Likes and dislikes cost 5 SCI coins.

Gereksiz also has a voting system to check the popularity of political parties and football teams. One vote is 5 SCI coin but the price can be changed in coming days. There are secret features for gold users.

DeCerta — decentralized documentation and certification system

DeCerta logo

DeCerta is a blockchain based documentation and certification system. It has different types in it. A school or university admin or responsible person can upload results of students in excel file with the students wallet addresses. Results or any other data in the file are connected and fall into the wallet of the student. When applying for a job etc., the student or candidate do not need to carry all the documents. Providing a wallet address is enough.

Another type is the uploading of a document (photo, document, agreement etc.) itself. The document is encrypted and hashed with a password provided by the user. The document is then connected to the wallet address of the owner. Nobody but the owner can read or view the file in the original form.

There are also gold features in DeCerta for small and medium enterprises.

DeTamga — decentralized timestamps for journals and other digital assets

deTamga is another dapp successfully launched by SciMatic and work with SCI coin. It was basically designed for scientific journals but later, the scope was expanded.

deTamga — decentralized timestamps for journals and digital processes

deTamga has different standards for journals. The first standard has been released. In this standard, the following data is uploading to the SciMatic Hybrid Blockchain:

  1. Date of submission with the article title
  2. Date of acceptance
  3. Date of rejection
  4. Date of publish online

In the next standards, abstract and reviewing data (with reviewers info etc.) will be also added to the smart contracts. DeTamga will rank journals according to the standards they use. DeTamga will be added as the extension of Journament, which is indexing more than 31,000 peer-reviewed journals.

For more details about the SciMatic Hybrid Blockchain and SCI Coin, visit Queries are welcomed at



SciMatic Hybrid Blockchain
SciMatic Hybrid Blockchain

Written by SciMatic Hybrid Blockchain

SciMatic is developing web2, web3 and web5 (hybrid of centralized and decentralized) based web and mobile apps.

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